Home Apple Apple executive leaves Twitter and moves to Mastodon: dross of the controversy with Musk?

Apple executive leaves Twitter and moves to Mastodon: dross of the controversy with Musk?

by Andrew

Another loss for Twitter. Phil Schiller, former head of marketing at Cupertino and current Apple Fellow, has deleted his account. He is not the first and will not be the last of the well-known names to leave Twitter, but unlike others like Jim Carrey Schiller has not abandoned social media. On January 10, he launched into Mastodon, which quickly became Twitter’s number one enemy since the blue bird was transferred to Elon Musk’s annex.

The management of the South African, who has been calling himself Mr. Tweet for a few hours, has divided the public, between those who think he is doing well and those who are instead leading the social network to ruin. Of indisputable there is that the advent of Musk has not left indifferent almost anyone among those who are interested in current affairs. And it must not have left indifferent even Schiller, who is certainly not the latest arrival in Apple and who probably identifies with the second group.

Schiller, who left the social network in silence, seems to have deleted his account in the same week that Elon Musk lashed out at Apple over the issue of advertising. A few days later the number one of Twitter and his counterpart of Apple met in Cupertino and the story returned, but Schiller’s switch from Twitter to Mastodon took place with singular timing. Lacking the verified on Mastodon, you could not be sure that behind the account @[email protected] there was actually the Apple executive.

The confirmation came in the early hours of today: “Thank you all for the warm welcome,” he wrote. An important step to reconstruct the background of Schiller’s passage to Mastodon, because his second post on the social network started from a click on share to a post by Ivory. What Is Ivory? The client for Mastodon created by the Tweetbot team, a highly appreciated alternative to the official Twitter app for iOS forced to close because Mr. Tweet wants the rules to be respected the treasury does not miss a penny. Everything resolved between Musk and Apple, then?

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