Home Technology Google gives appointment to February 8: AI at the center of the event

Google gives appointment to February 8: AI at the center of the event

by Andrew

Google presses the accelerator on artificial intelligence and announces an event dedicated to the theme for next February 8th. The Mountain View company invites us to discover how to “use the power of AI to re-imagine how people search, explore and interact with information, making the search for what is needed more natural and intuitive than ever”. The event will be held at 14:30 time and will be broadcast live from Paris on YouTube – the link to the streaming can be found at the bottom of the article.

For the event, Google refers to some of its classic services, such as Maps, so it is not easy to imagine what will be the central topic addressed by Sundar Pichai. What is certain is that many now expect a prompt reaction from Google to the real revolution brought to the network by OpenAI with its ChatGPT, on which Microsoft has already got its hands for an imminent integration into Bing. The undisputed supremacy of Google Search is shaky, and it is normal that the management of Alphabet is trying to speed up the time to give an adequate response.

And it is perhaps no coincidence that during the announcement of the fiscal results of the last few hours, the CEO announced the arrival of important innovations in the field of Large Language Model (LLM), unlocking “the incredible opportunities offered by artificial intelligence” while maintaining “a deep sense of responsibility”. It sounds almost like a challenge to OpenAI and its system that yes, has shown enormous potential, but which has also highlighted strong limits and a propensity towards gross errors, especially in the scientific field.

It will then be to be understood if the news will concern the chatbots in development – Atlas or Apprentice Bard based on LaMDA – or if a completely new project will be revealed.

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