Home Microsoft Intel and MSI solve blue screen problem: Windows is not to blame

Intel and MSI solve blue screen problem: Windows is not to blame

by Andrew

MSI has fixed the issue that on some PCs with MSI’s Intel 600 and 700 series motherboards led to the display of the UNSUPPORTED_PROCESSOR error message on BSOD (Blue Screen of Death). The issue has been identified in the Intel Hybrid Architecture firmware and would still be limited to systems with a 13th generation Intel Core i9 processor paired with one of the following versions of Windows (Windows 10 and 11: KB5029351, KB5029332, and KB5029331):

The issue was thus fixed by MSI with the release of some BIOS updates for the 600 and 700 series motherboards. MSI explains that

“The new BIOS coming soon will include an update on the Intel CPU uCode that will prevent further messages related to UNSUPPORTED_PROCESSOR issues. This upcoming update will cover both the 13th generation and the latest ones. There will be more BIOSes available for download on MSI’s official website for all 600 and 700 series models this week, all BIOS versions will be available by the end of September.”

Intel is aware of reports from end users of blue screen locks with error code UNSUPPORTED_PROCESSOR when updating to the August 2023 preview updates for Microsoft Windows 10 and Windows 11 while using the latest BIOS updates from system manufacturers on affected processors. Intel has identified an issue in recent microcode updates that can cause this error code. In September, Intel released updated versions of the 0x11D microcode and 0x411C to system manufacturers to address this issue on 13th generation Intel Core processors with Hybrid Architecture.

It will now be up to other motherboard manufacturers to release the necessary BIOS updates to resolve the issue.

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