Home Apple MagicQuit automatically closes your unused Mac applications

MagicQuit automatically closes your unused Mac applications

by Andrew

MagicQuit is an app that will on its own shut down your unproductive Mac applications.

And so, over time, one ends up with not a dock but a parking lot full of applications, most of which are extremely useful, some of which are useful only a little and a few of which are not useful at all. And indeed it can be seen that we hardly ever minimize these applications, let alone close them ourselves, except when we realize that our machine is lagging. And if your Mac, unfortunately, has relatively little RAM, system resources can run out very quickly. Because one has many pages open in the browser, applications running behind the scenes, slow down is experienced. However, there are techniques to make the machine to take some form of break and or a rest.

One of the most effective operations is to free up the RAM that is the main memory of the computer, or translating this into the layman’s language, to close applications. Ideally, ones which are not extensively used, or infrequently used, in the daily operations of the enterprise. The latter is quite a time-consuming process if done manually. The MagicQuit app that can be downloaded for free will help to do it. .. And that changes everything!

How to use MagicQuit

First of all, MagicQuit should be mentioned as being very easy to install and operate. When you initiate the application, the application prompts you to set the number of days for which the unused apps are to be retained. I have chosen, particularly, 2 hours because most of the time it reflects reasonably close to the effective time within which I am certain that I will not open this or that app for the rest of my working session. That is when the time issue will be addressed and MagicQuit closes all the apps that have gone in the inactive state for a longer time.

Well, what happens if there are all the applications which have to be running in the background persistently, are all those many useful utilities that save your life daily? Thankfully, MagicQuit can take exception. With your apps and documents closed, the menu bar is for the app icon and unticking the apps you wish running continuously.

Of course, closing an app is also capable of making you fear the loss of data in the app. So although MagicQuit says it will not close any app that has unsaved data we strongly recommend that you uncheck the apps below. For example, I unchecked my image editing app and got to see the following results. It’s also important to point out that MagicQuit does not shut those apps which stay in the Dock, which is a good thing for me, as most of my favorite macOS apps reside in the menu Bar.

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