Home Technology Google launches AI chatbot to provide additional support for its services

Google launches AI chatbot to provide additional support for its services

by Andrew

Google is introducing an AI assistant to its Help Center pages. So if you have any doubts with the help of online help, you can turn to the intelligent virtual assistant to solve them. In the Italian Help Center there is nothing new yet, but in the English Help Center, in some sections, a box has appeared at the bottom right in which Google’s AI assistant introduces itself:

“Hi, I’m a new support AI assistant. Chat with me to get answers and resolve account issues.”

On the information page about the news, Google warns that artificial intelligence is still being learned, so the chatbot may be inaccurate in some circumstances. To improve it in Mountain View, they have commissioned live reviewers who process sample conversations in order to identify the points that are still critical and solve them, so that the chatbot is increasingly accurate and efficient.

Yes, but what about privacy? Google has addressed the problem and assures that it has taken specific precautions, for example by unmooring the conversations from the account that asked the questions to the AI before the “practice” ends up in the hands of human reviewers. The chat with the AI assistant can be put on full screen and at the end of the conversation you can evaluate the service. The novelty is present in several sections of the Google Help Center including those dedicated to Play, Maps, Messages and the general one on the Google account.

The text field to ask specific questions to the AI for the moment is only on some, for example Google Play, and does not appear at all.

On the support for Maps or Messages you can only choose from a number of issues. There is still no AI assistant, as mentioned, in the Italian version of the Help Center, but we imagine that in the future if the English AI will be in line with Mountain View’s expectations then it will also arrive in the Help Center and in the others in different languages. The feeling, however, is that time will pass.

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