Home Technology Google and Meta join forces to target young teens with their ads

Google and Meta join forces to target young teens with their ads

by Andrew

Promoting Instagram to underage YouTube users is what according to the Financial Times.

Google and Meta have been charged with mindless manipulation of teens.
Meta was allegedly used as a link through which Google advertised to teenagers, even though Google prohibits it by its regulations, as pointed out by the Financial Times. The newspaper said that in documents it had seen, Google has been developing a marketing campaign aimed at introducing Instagram to teenagers aged 13 to 17 who are registered on You Tube.

Risking the wrath of the Moral Majority and other censorship groups to entertain and inform the kids.
Google had prohibited the restriction of advertisements for individuals of below 18 years. But, what has been sad is that the company has, as it is said, discovered and has continued to work on an exploit to the system. Unable to directly target the desired demographic, Google has reportedly chosen a different approach: group of users called “unknowns.” This group, which Google supposedly proposed to Meta, consisted of individuals who had not specified their age; however, based on the analytics, a considerable number of them were under 18 years old.

Google has even told Meta that the Interaction rate of Younger Persons that is persons between the ages of 13 and 17 is more daily than TikTok and Instagram. Nevertheless, the Information shows that it is also prohibited by Google’s rules to use this flaw because the company has rules against proxy targeting.

A major confrontation that was in full swing and on the rise for 2% was frozen.
”We do not allow ad personalization for users under the age of 18 years old full stop,” Google told the Times, stating that its measures were quite adequate for this position. Nevertheless, it did not entirely exclude the use of the loophole, stating that where necessary, they will be ‘additional actions to underline to their sales representatives that they should not assist advertisers to bypass the rules.’

Google and Meta were said to have collaborated with media agency, Spark Foundry, in developing this year’s marketing campaign, which was revealed as being active between February and April of this year in Canada. Therefore, to tap into this market, there was the introduction of the latter in May in the United States with the intentions of extending to other areas. However, facing the accusations of the Times, Google was forced to stop the execution of this project.

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