Home Technology Samsung gives one Friday off per month to some Korean employees

Samsung gives one Friday off per month to some Korean employees

by Marcos

One Friday off a month for non-factory staff. According to what Bloomberg writes, Samsung has chosen to grant this “benefit” to staff employed in South Korea starting next week. The initiative is part of an attempt to retain talent, especially young people, who with the pandemic have re-evaluated the relationship, the balance, between work and leisure, and now in evaluating their employment, current or future, give greater weight to flexibility.

Samsung wants to prevent employees from wanting to leave or even look around just because they are dissatisfied with the relationship between work and “rest”. According to Bloomberg, therefore, starting next week the staff (not factory, production and flexibility do not get along very well) employed full-time in South Korea can choose a day to spend away from the company, to devote themselves to passions, hobbies or simply to the family.

The newspaper adds that employees will be able to take their paid day off in the week they collect their paychecks, generally the week in which it falls on the 21st of the month. The “gift” to employees comes after SK Hynix, one of Samsung’s main global memory competitors, switched from some time to a flexible work week, with employees of 40 hours or more a week having one Friday off per month.

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