Home Technology Google Search and security: how to ask to remove personal data from results

Google Search and security: how to ask to remove personal data from results

by Andrew

Google improves the level of privacy and security by enhancing the “Results about you” tool introduced in September last year to allow the user to keep under control the information concerning him present in the Search results (phone number, home address, email) requesting its removal with a simple tap.

Starting in the next few days, the feature update will allow the user to keep track of their personal contact information in Search by notifying them when Google finds it, so that the user can request its removal. In fact, a dashboard is coming from which you will quickly check if there are personal data in the search results: if so, the request for deletion can be made directly from the dashboard itself. In addition, as anticipated, Google will proactively notify the user in case personal information later emerges within the new results.

HOW TO ACCESS THE FUNCTION: tap on your account picture within the Google app > My results or https://myactivity.google.com/results-about-you.

WHERE IT IS AVAILABLE: starting from the United States only in English, later the function will be expanded to other countries

SafeSearch makes its debut worldwide this month with explicit images automatically blurring in search results. The feature was announced last February, now it will be released to all users. It can also be disabled, unless an administrator prevents it.
People can now request the removal of explicit personal images that they don’t want to appear in search results (but this does not mean that such images disappear permanently from the web if they have been uploaded to other sites). Application forms have been simplified.

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