Home Technology 1Password will soon introduce passkeys to unlock your vaults

1Password will soon introduce passkeys to unlock your vaults

by Marcos

1Password, one of the most popular password managers, announced in June that iOS 17 would introduce native passkey support in the iPhone and iPad app. Soon, 1Password users will also be able to unlock their vaults using only passkeys.

For those who are unfamiliar, passkeys are a new technology developed by the FIDO Alliance in partnership with companies like Apple, Google, and Microsoft. Instead of traditional passwords, users can now log in using secure authentication methods, such as facial recognition or biometrics, without having to create and type in a passcode.

Apple’s platforms have supported passkeys since 2022, with iOS 16 and macOS Ventura, and support has been extended to third-party apps running iOS 17 and macOS Sonoma. 1Password is already working on a new version of the app that will allow users to store and access via passkey in iOS 17, but there’s another new feature coming soon.

By the end of the year, 1Password users will be able to replace their traditional vault password with a passkey. 9to5Mac has been invited to preview this new feature, which works very smoothly apparently. 1Password asks users if they want to use a passkey, and then all they have to do is confirm and authenticate via Face ID or Touch ID. After that, the app will assign a passkey to the user’s vault.

From then on, every time you need to log in from a new device, you won’t need to remember your passkey. Just use Face ID or Touch ID to authenticate with your passkey. If you try to sign in from another device that hasn’t stored your passkey, you’ll be able to authenticate by scanning a QR code on your iPhone or iPad.

Full passkey support in 1Password will be available to the public later this year, following the release of iOS 17. Currently, this feature is available as a private beta for select users. With the implementation of passkeys, 1Password offers users an even more secure and convenient authentication option, further improving password protection and simplifying access to their password vaults.

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